WCGI 2008
Ah yes...here it is, another March. And with March comes the Madness. What I believe to be the greatest sports competition in human history is going to begin soon. Now don’t think I make this claim simply because I am a huge fan of college basketball; I’m not. I think March Madness is incredible simply because it is really anyone’s game - now of course there are favorites, but let’s look at how things ultimately come down. A good team has a bad day? They’re done, finished, no second chances. It is one of the only times the underdogs really have a chance to become the unsung champions. This event, a massive 64-team single elimination tournament, is the very heart of what Queen’s "We Are The Champions" is all about!
Almost 2 years ago, Nikki and I met Lisa and Andy. It was love at first hanging out; these 2 are our best friends. And they shared something with us that, eventually, we hope to share with the rest of the world: WCGI. Those 4 letters stand for Who Could Get It. Arguably inspired by the insanity of the NCAA tournament, WCGI is a fantasy. Instead of real college teams, each person participating choses a list of celebrities who could...well...get it. It is a fantasy list of celebrities you want to hook up and do somewhere that is the complete antithesis of the backseat of a Volkswagon (read: someplace uncomfortable). Of course there are caveats and what not; however, as I stated before, we are trying to make this into something that others can enjoy with their friends, and hell, maybe total strangers! That is why I am not going to divulge the rules - fret not, faithful fantasizers, we do not intend to charge for this service. We simply want to make a version that everyone can enjoy. But nevermind all of that - this blog is to make you aware of the winners! Each of the winners’ pictures were chosen by the person who selected them; the pictures of the runners-up were selected by my delicate eye for the essence of the individual. I’m good like that.
We will start with Andy - his final choice came down to an epic battle that all of us have waged when devouring an Oreo; do we choose the cookie or the cream? Given my personal proclivities when it comes to the sandwich cookie, I certainly cannot fault Andy for his choice: he chose the cream. So here, ladies and gentlemen (especially the gentlemen), is the winner of WCGI 2008 for Andy: the deliciously, lickable Scarlett Johansson.

The lovely Lisa also had an unexpected contender make it to the finals - sadly, however, the underdog did not get his day in the sun. But he fought bravely and valiantly against scores of would-be heartthrobs to earn his place in the finals. So I present - the runner-up for Lisa: Clive Owen.

It seems that for each of us, there was a dark horse candidate that made it to the finals. However, now with Nikki, we actually have one who ultimately took home the prize. The unexpected winner of Nikki’s WCGI 2008: Bruce Willis.

Lastly, there are my winner and runner-up, which have been the source of both griping and questioning. First, the runner-up - to me it was a no-brainer of sorts and she didn’t really face all that much competition on her way to the finals. I present the nowhere near Ugly America Ferrera.

In an aside...I will admit that I am subject to influence. While I am drawn to America just being adorably herself, had I known of her photoshoot in the UK edition of Marie Claire, I have to confess that the pendulum of my celebrity fantasy lust may have swung differently. See for yourself and decide - until next time...